Sunday, December 10, 2006

can you find all of the allusions?

You're a fiery one
and like a moth
twice burned
covered in ash and dust
glittering through amber
as angels fluttered by
a taste of chocolate
has been replaced
by a ring of power
invisibly I'll fade
a ghost of something past
lingering behind your blue
as the oaths you swore
tarnish and rust
covered in ash and dust


Anonymous said...

LotR, A Christmas Carol, and I'm not that well-read. I like it, though. It definitely sets up a little story in my head.

April said...

the etymology of "keegan",
fiona apple lyrics "one my flame and twice my burn"
ash and dust = life and death
glittering through amber = dust/ the amber spyglass
taste of chocolate = memory of first kiss
ring of power = lotr
ghost some something past = chirstmas carol
oaths = Middle Kingdom

I think that's it. Some of those you couldn't have known, but I am disappointed you missed the amber spyglass allusions. I repeated DUST 2ce!