Monday, December 11, 2006

Jay Mobley


the Man with two Colors of christmas
drudgery particularly when he smokes
alternately his Starbucks and Marlboro
as I enter the steamy upwards:
A lispy man concealing his sanctuary

a Capillary (solipsism) runs across the glittering surface
of my heart - screams:
but I - Man with two Sides of crispness -
like it anyways. Wedges at least,
the little Orange and sloppy;
with their once-acute eyes now peeeeled open
and smashed into the conglomerate like
a "small Business"
...Entrepreneurial spirit, my ass.

i ought to have complained
about the running whites
but should i wait?
for someone who is paid
to wait - rather than making for a fast break
and a short (5 foot 2, perhaps) order chef
who makes her orders tall?
Eggs - eggs and the bacon i asked for is sausage
eggs and the bacon I asked for is sausage.


Anonymous said...

So, I'm confused. This is named after some guy I've seen on facebook, and I only have a vague idea of what's going on but it sounds tasty.

April said...

no, he wrote it actually. About how his eggs came out wrong at the dining hall.

Anonymous said...

Ok, that answers my pronouns question. I thought you were just taking a different tack than usual :)